Dear Bayview Sheppard RMT Community,
We’d like to keep you informed about what is happening at our clinic. Although our doors remain closed for now, we are very excited at the thought of re-opening. We miss all our clients dearly and look forward to the day when we can see each other again and catch-up.
As a team, we are actively trying to prepare for our re-opening and what our “new normal” will look like. We are waiting on directives from the Provincial Government and our governing body, the CMTO, to offer you the most effective and safe experience. As we wait for further direction, we’ve ordered more Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and are staying up to date on best practices and safety measures.
Our main priority at Bayview Sheppard RMT is to ensure the safety and protection of each one of you, our community, and our team members. As always, we are looking for the positive side to this difficult experience and can’t wait to impress you with everything that we have learned and improved upon.
Thank you for your patience and loyalty to our clinic.
Helen, Lisa, and the BSRMT Team