by Bayview Sheppard RMT | Jan 7, 2019 | List, Tips
Orange is the New Black. Ozark. Sharp Objects. The list goes on. We’re certainly no strangers to binge-watching our favourite shows. But what does that have to do with posture? Think back to your last binge session – lounging there as minutes turned into hours....
by Bayview Sheppard RMT | Dec 1, 2018 | List
The holidays: truly the most wonderful time of year filled with fun, festivity… and stress. We said it. Stress. While we can’t deny that there is plenty to look forward to there is also an added dose of stress during the holidays – hosting events, endless...
by Bayview Sheppard RMT | Nov 1, 2018 | News
Are you expecting or planning to be soon? This is for you! Aside from the leaves changing colors (and pumpkin spice lattes), something we look most forward to this time year is participating in the semi-annual BabyTime Show in Toronto. Grab your comfiest shoes (or...
by Bayview Sheppard RMT | Aug 29, 2018 | Did You Know?
Just when you thought those sleepless nights were behind you, your kiddo starts to complain of soreness in their legs while they should be getting some much-needed sleep. They might not know how to describe the pain, but those achy, cramping muscles just might be...
by Bayview Sheppard RMT | Aug 24, 2018 | Did You Know?
It’s not enough that a day goes by when kids complain that something hurts – a surprise paper cut, an arm bruise from a waylaid soccer ball, an elbow scrape from a bike spill, or that weird soreness from growing pains. Massage Therapy for children isn’t a new...